Simple Response Templates for Jira Cloud
Save time and effort answering Jira Issues and Support tickets with reusable Response Templates.
Rated on Atlassian Marketplace

Reuse Common Responses
Create templates for commonly used text bug reports, testing steps, customer reminders, etc

Global and Project Level
Share response templates with everyone, or tie them to specifc projects

Service Desk Compatible
Use templates in private comments, and customer comments

Rich Editing
Edit templates using the same Rich editor as Jira Cloud. No markup neccessary

Variables Supported
Use variables in templates to dynamically inject content like reporter name, issue links, etc

Private Templates
Create templates tailored just for you, invisible to other users
Templates for Issues and Service Desk Tickets
Create templates Issue comments, and Service Desk customer responses
Simple Template Creation
Template creation is as simple as typing a comment, with the same rich content as the Jira editor for things like tables, links, etc.
Issue typeahead makes it easy to find Issues to mention, and support for variables means you can easily inject dynamic content into a template when it is inserted.Easily Manage Templates
Manage template visibility as globally shared, specific to certain projects, or private to you only. Mark templates as favorites, and organize them with labels.

Whether you have a product question or a general inquiry, our Support team is here to help. All you have to do is submit a ticket and we’ll respond shortly.
Our documentation
Getting Started
Quickstart to get up and running
Managing Templates
Keep things organized
Authoring Templates
Create rich Templates for your projects
Can I nest templates?
You cannot nest templates when creating them. Since inserting a template presents you with a rich text editor, similar to the Jira comments, you can combine multiple templates when inserting them.
Can Service Desk users use it?
Service Desk Agent can use templates for both private and shared comments. Service Desk customers however cannot use reponse templates
Can templates have attachments?
Not yet. We do however recognize how important this feature is, so it is something we're working on.
Can I import/export templates? From/to other products?
Not yet. It's important to us that you don't feel trapped, and have the freedom to take your data with you, so it's something we're working on.